Room for Art is a social prescribing project established by us in 2016 to provide a programme of visual art workshops within community spaces throughout Edinburgh. Pop up art studios are created where individuals can explore creativity with the aim of improving their health and wellbeing.
Room for Art is a safe, supported space where people can take time for themselves, connect with others, learn new skills and have fun!
We currently support over 70 people each week in Wester Hailes, Pilton, Southside, Portobello, Gilmerton, central and online. We also regularly run group exhibitions and trips.
With the support of professional artists and dedicated volunteers, participants can choose to explore a range of art techniques and materials. We use a person-centred approach where participants share their ideas and interests, and we shape workshops and activities accordingly.
For those that need more support, our staff can signpost participants to other services and we also offer Art Therapy.

Room for Art Workshop Timetable

Our participants are referred for a variety of reasons - mental health challenges, long-term physical health conditions and/or are socially isolated and experiencing loneliness.
All workshops and materials are free. Referrals can be made by a professional or self-referral via our online form. Participants can attend workshops for as long as they like and are placed in a group near their home where possible.
Click here for a referral form.
For more information, please contact or call us on 0131 555 7638.
This work is made possible by our funders; Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board, People's Postcode Trust and Edinburgh Community Mental Health Fund.

Why take part?
Our participants have reported a range of benefits since joining our Room for Art groups. More social connection and feeling less isolated, improved mental wellbeing, increased resilience and strength to cope, feeling better about themselves with increased self esteem and confidence and learning new skills.