The HELP Portfolio
The HELP portfolio is a collection of prints created as a direct response to the pandemic. The portfolio features sixteen limited edition…

Make Room for Art Online exhibition
The theme for this years Scottish Mental Health Art Festival is ‘GATHER’ and the selected works in this exhibition all respond in…

Room for Art – Great Edinburgh Map Project 2021
The Edinburgh map project was conceived to run over the summer, as we took a 6 week break from our online visual art workshops. It was a way to encourage people to continue to…

Connecting to Nature
Mental Heath Awareness Week 10th – 16th May 2021 To mark Mental Health Awareness Week this year we have produced this exhibition…

Positive Places
Monday 21st December 2020 ‘Positive Places’ is our second ROOM FOR ART online exhibition. It’s been an absolute howler of a year…

Living in 2020
Wednesday 16th September 2020 ‘Living in 2020’ is ROOM FOR ART’s first ever online exhibition. What a year so far; everyone’s life has changed or been affected…