Creative Minds Exhibition Opening

Our Room for Art ‘Creative Minds’ exhibition opened last Friday at Edinburgh Palette, St Margaret’s House. Thinking about the creative mind and…

Creative Minds Exhibition

Title:   CREATIVE MINDS   A Room for Art exhibition  Where: Gallery 1, 151 Saint Margaret’s House, London Road, EH7 6AE  When: From Saturday 27th of May…

Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek – the theme this year is anxiety. Mental Health Foundation found in a recent survey that 73% of…

18 York Place Artwork Install

Last Friday, our team was busy installing works from our collection into 18 York Place – an office building we share with…

Office Move

At the start of the month we moved into a new office space upstairs at 18 York Place. We now have more…

Taking Art Home Update

Our project ‘Taking Art Home’ is up and running and on a Wednesday we have our Long Covid online class in association…

Meet our new Finance and Office Manager, Elaine!

We are very happy to welcome Elaine Kilpatrick who has recently joined the Art in Healthcare team as our new Finance and Office Manager. Elaine…

Room for Art at Whale Arts in Wester Hailes

Our Room for Art group at Whale Arts in Wester Hailes have produced some lovely lino prints and marbling with artist Fraser…

Accredited Living Wage Employer

We are delighted to announce that we are now an accredited Living Wage Employer! Living Wage Scotland aims to increase the number of employees…

Partnership with the Welcoming – Creative Sessions for New Scots

We have now finished our project with the Welcoming and artist Alena Rogozhkina. Working with 12 New Scots from Ukraine, Syria, Sudan…

Room for Art in Gilmerton

Our newest Room for Art Group in Gilmerton have been getting to grips with printmaking and have some beautiful pieces. Next stop…

Fundraise for Us: EMF

Thinking of signing up for the Edinburgh Half or Full Marathon? Why not run for Art in Healthcare? Your fundraising allows us…