Carer Positive Award

Last Thursday we were presented with our Carer Positive award by Richard Meade, Director of Carers Scotland and Carers NI. We are…

Quiz Night!

Come join us on Tuesday the 7th of May for a Quiz night! The quiz will take place @brewhemiaedin and will be…

Work Placement with Art in Healthcare: Abbie Stewart

Abbie recently took part in a six week work placement at Art in Healthcare as part of her studies at Edinburgh University….

Art in Healthcare new Chair

We’re delighted to announce Hilary Burwell as the new Chair for Art in Healthcare. Hilary has been on our board since 2022…

Our Big Give Arts for Impact Campaign is now Live

Our Big Give Arts For Impact Campaign is now Live. Would you like to see more art in hospitals, GP surgeries or care homes?…

Social Prescribing Day

Today is #SocialPrescribingDay! Social prescribing has been recently been defined as “connecting people to non-clinical supports and services within the community by…

Opportunity: Freelance Filmmaker

Opportunity: Freelance Filmmaker   Fee: £6,000   April 2024 –  March 2025 [24 sessions at £250 per session]   Art in Healthcare   Art in Healthcare…

Caring Spaces Update

Our Caring Spaces project is continuing in Edinburgh, Dalkeith and Musselburgh both online and in person thanks to Creative Breaks funding from…

Stories of the Collection Exhibition | Last chance to visit

This Sunday, the 18th of February, is the final day of our ‘Stories of the Collection’ Exhibition at the Scottish Storytelling Centre….

Room for Art Exhibition | The Distance Travelled

Our Room for Art Exhibition “The Distance Travelled” will be opening next Friday, the 9th of February, with an opening event from…

Stories of the Collection

“Stories of the Collection” Opening Night

Thank you to everyone that made it to our “Art in Healthcare: Stories of the Collection” Exhibition Opening night on Friday! It…

Stories of the Collection Exhibition

During the last thirty years, Art In Healthcare have established a vast collection of artworks that have been placed in healthcare settings…