Twitter Art Exhibit 2019
TAE19 is fundraising for Art in Healthcare – affordable postcard sized art by artists from all over the world are on sale from our online shop, just click on the ‘buy’ tab on our website….

GreatArt supplies supports Art in Healthcare
GreatArt supplies is providing Art in Healthcare with a fantastic range of art materials for use in our art workshops….

Temporary exhibition installed at New Victoria Hospital in Glasgow
We are delighted to be working in partnership with NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde to present a selection of works of art from our collection at a temporary exhibition at the New Victoria Hospital in Glasgow….

Improve patient experience: transform your hospital with art
Works of from the extensive and prestigious Art in Healthcare collection are available to rent in all healthcare settings in Scotland. We are particularly keen to extend our reach and see the work located in more acute and community hospitals. We have a new flyer describing what we do. Get in touch if you would like some copies of the flyer or want to know more admin@artinhealthcare.org.uk…

Great Art sponsors Art in Healthcare workshops
Great Art are supporting the work of Art in Healthcare by providing a wide range of fantastic quality art materials for use by participants in our art workshops….

Dementia Friendly Tour of our Exhibition
BTO Solicitors LLP supported Art in Healthcare to present a dementia friendly tour of our recent fundraising exhibition….

Art workshops at the Botanics
Free art workshops linked to the Lost Words exhibition at Inverleith House, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Two of the workshops will be dementia friendly. With many thanks to our sponsor GreatArt for enabling us to present these workshops….

Weekly art workshop programme for people who are HIV+
Weekly art workshop programme for people who are HIV+ starts in Motherwell Sat 21 April. Contact Art in Healthcare if you or someone you know is HIV+ and want to get involved. No art experience necessary….

Give As You Live
Christmas shopping online this year? You can also raise funds for Art in Healthcare, and here’s how….