Art in Healthcare University Student Friends
An assumption some people make is that students spend their spare time partying. Or not, in the case of the members of…

Artist Uncovered: Kate Downie
Two large canvasses face each other in Kate Downie’s studio, their typically energetic and expressive marks awaiting her finishing touch before their…

Interning for the voluntary sector
Last Friday, Art in Healthcare (AiH) opened ‘Art from Art’, an exhibition of works created during artist-led workshops in care settings across…

Artist Uncovered: Alastair Clark
Colour can provoke a powerful emotion in artists, Claude Monet called it an ‘obsession’, and it is this passion for colour that comes through…

A busy year ahead
For the first blog this year, I asked Trevor Jones, Art in Healthcare director, what new projects we could look forward to…

Artist Uncovered: Alison Auldjo
When I met up with artist and gallery owner Alison Auldjo, she told me that she considers herself lucky and it is easy to see why. She set up the UNIONgallery in Broughton Street, a creative and buzzing niche of Edinburgh, with her husband Rob Dawkins at a time when few would have been brave enough to do so….

Art in Healthcare’s quick response to QR codes
You will have seen them in magazines, on bank statements, food, clothes labels and business cards. The black and white square QR…