20/20 Vision
Mixed Media
In the centre is a self-portrait of my outward feelings during lockdown. It was partly a negative and a positive experience for me.
I decided to have two other halves to my picture – my inner emotions; the negative side to lockdown (on the right), and some of the brighter, more positive sides (to the left).
Reading the news and seeing the mounting death toll of coronavirus victims along with home schooling my two children were extremely stressful. Our family dog, Biba also had to be put to sleep. ☹
But, positively, anxieties I had before lockdown disappeared. I was able to have meaningful contact with friends through zoom. The best thing was the overwhelming appreciation for the NHS. Having a husband who’s worked there for 25 years, it was great to see the country getting behind them, painting rainbows and weekly claps.
As a nod to the fact my daughters had grown out their school uniform, without wearing them, I decided to paint my picture on one of their shirts!