Sadly, in September, one of our workshop participants Michael Alderdice passed away. Michael was a long term, respected and valued member of the Room for Art Group currently based at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre North Edinburgh Arts.

In the 80s Michael was well known in Edinburgh as his alter ego of Haggis the Clown and worked with kids in Craigmillar and Wester Hailes with his Suitcase Circus. He definitely brought that humour the group – he was funny, creative, friendly and such a special, bright presence. His loss is still very much felt, and we all send a big thank you to his family for donating funds to buy us some new materials. Here are some examples of his wonderful artwork with some tributes from the group.

“Michael was such a bubbly happy go lucky guy. It was a pleasure to have him in our art group – I will really miss him”

“We had lots of fun and a laugh – cheers”

“We had such a laugh; I miss my pal to wind up. He did some lovely Modern Art. There’s a spot missing in the group, with such a happy man”

“Michael was a very happy go lucky guy and my best friend as well. He was very understanding. He always sat beside me and spoke to me. My dad was happy that I’d made a good friendship with Michael. I really miss his happy smile; he is really sadly missed.”

“Michael was such a lovely man such a pleasure to have met him will miss him very much. He always asked how the boys were. He loved his cuppa and biscuits or two. Loved his lovely bright painting will miss him so much”

“Michael was a lovely man and valued member of our Room for Art Group we will all miss him”

“Brightness and warmth like the sun”

Hear more about Haggis the clown:…/festival…

13 November 2023 by

Amy Miles