May-June 2023

GALLERY 1 – Edinburgh Palette, St Margaret’s House, London Road, Edinburgh

This exhibition brought together art works made by people who attend our ‘Room for Art’ workshops. Our Room for Art programme offers weekly creative workshops which aim to improve heath and wellbeing. The artworks were exhibited alongside pieces from our collection of contemporary art. These additional artworks were selected by a group of workshop participants and volunteers in discussion with our curator Margaret McCormick.  This exhibition explores the creative mind and how as artists we use self expression and image making to help with mental health challenges.

Creative Minds – Collaborative wall art work

This artwork evolved over the course of the exhibition and asked the viewer:

What can you create?

Art works

Some of these artworks began by using the profile of a face as a starting point. See if you can find the profile in each one?



Lino and ink

What Room for Art means to me:

A place away from my everyday life where I can create and explore; an amazing community of creative minds.  


Rhino and Portrait of a girl

graphite, charcoal

What Room for Art means to me:

The session is a therapy for me. It helps me to focus and build my portfolio and improve my art. 



Lino prints


Map Collage


What Room for Art means to me:

It cheers me up and I like seeing my friends. It’s good to have support and people to talk to. 


I’m happy hope you are happy too…

acrylic paint, pencil, pen, paper and glue

What Room for Art means to me: 

It is a special dedicated space (and time) encouraging me to think creatively and work on something that will ultimately give me great pleasure in making it, and also seeing the end result. I enjoy that journey each week and I have now come to realise how important that time is for me. With an at times stressful job as well as some personal health challenges, it makes me cope better and the sessions add depth and colour to my life.

Wilhelmina Barns Graham

Quiet time

Silkscreen print

This artwork from the Art in Healthcare Collection was selected for exhibition by a group of participants and volunteers




What Room for Art means to me:

Tuesday mornings in the Portrait Gallery are so inspiring. I love the gentle friendly arty atmosphere, lovely chats, seeing so much interesting art being created around me. 

Picasso Sinclair



What Room for Art means to me:

Extra improving my artistic experience




What Room for Art means to me:

Tuesday mornings in the Portrait Gallery are so inspiring. I love the gentle friendly arty atmosphere, lovely chats, seeing so much interesting art being created around me. 

Ellen Petal

Calm Noise

Acrylic and Markers

What Room for Art means to me:

Provides me with a pocket of time and a good space for focussing on something for me, something creative. The tutor is always so friendly, welcoming and supportive, which makes a huge difference. 

Ellen Petal

Out of Time


What Room for Art means to me:

Provides me with a pocket of time and a good space for focussing on something for me, something creative. The tutor is always so friendly, welcoming and supportive, which makes a huge difference. 


In Flight

Paper and marbling ink

What Room for Art means to me:

A meet up with friends that takes your mind off things for a couple of hours. I look forward to Mondays. 

Fiona Munro

The Embarrassing Phonecall


This artwork from the Art in Healthcare Collection was selected for exhibition by a group of participants and volunteers.


Distorted Reflections

Paper, brusho, washi tape, watercolour, acrylic pen, gel pen, wire

hat Room for Art means to me:

The way we see ourselves is often distorted. In the reflection the women are both clearly them and not them. It can take years to truly see ourselves from the past the way others see us but that’s not what we need to see. 

Room for Art gives me space to try things I wouldn’t normally do as well as giving me space to socialise at my own pace. It also gives me a day to just enjoy being with no expectations and no limitations.  


Clarity in Confusion

Textile remade fabric piece (various types of reclaimed textiles)

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is a very positive place, where I can explore and participate in making art.  

It is a safe space.  

I absolutely love the fact that the sessions aren’t prescribed and we are encouraged to create art in a medium of our choosing. It allows me to feel free and untethered in my creative thinking. Due to this I find Room for Art and uplifting experience, it allows increased well being and confidence. Room for Art is the highlight of my week! 


My Strange & Wonderful Mind

Cotton, acrylic

What Room for Art means to me:

To have fun and be creative, and concentrate on me. 





Playing with colour – or how my brain unravels

Dye from wet tissue paper and wool

What Room for Art means to me:

Gives me the time and space to play and be creative, and acts as a positive distraction from day-to-day life, in a friendly and non-judgemental space. 


Lost in the sea of dreams

Mixed media

What Room for Art means to me:

My little creative space in the middle of a busy and hectic week. 



Acrylic, chalk pastels, thin card

What Room for Art means to me:

A space to enjoy doing art in a lovely environment with great people. 




Barbara Z



What Room for Art means to me:

Second chance, challenge, opportunity. 


San Miguel


Volume 2


What Room for Art means to me:

A space where I am not defined by my OCD and I can escape form the loudness in my mind.  

Being surrounded by people who know what it is like to live with a mental health condition. 


Harry Potter Scene

Acrylic paint, charcoal and pen

What Room for Art means to me:

cheers me up and I like seeing my friends. It’s good to have support and people to talk to. 


Infinite to the edge

Paint on Canvas

What Room for Art means to me:

A place to bring out my art in the various forms. Images into reality, through the encouragement of your thoughts into artwork. 


Creative minds changing faces

Metallic water colours, marbling ink, wool, ink pens

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art helps me be more creative, escape the mental whirlpool, be included, meeting new people.  

My piece is about the darkness of mental health when it’s at it’s worst to the lighter when it starts to get easier and better. It’s called ‘creative minds changing faces meaning how with mental health we put on different faces and change as we heal. 


Andrew Cranston

Sketchbook Studies

Mixed media and collage

This artwork from the Art in Healthcare Collection was selected for exhibition by a group of participants and volunteers



pen and ink


Farm House


What Room for Art means to me:

Time for me to be creative – helps me focus. 


Welcome to my brain

Black – ink, paint, crayon / colour – nail varnishes

What Room for Art means to me:

Everything. I’ve got a really colourful brain filled with positivity and hope. In my mental health journey I struggle with the darkness and jumble that clouds my brain. I remind myself the colour and darkness is all part of my brain. 

Millie Untitled

Millie (age 11)


Washi tape, pens

What Room for Art means to me:

My piece of art is expressing how my mind feels. Sometimes it feels like a thunderstorm taking over my whole mind; I struggle to see any rainbow at all. I try to remember the is still there somewhere and I will feel better again soon. Art helps me express my feelings. 

Christine, Life



Inks and Fine liner

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art gives me the opportunity to express myself and have company as well. 

Art from the heart


Art from the heart

Printed Fabric, light pulse

What Room for Art means to me:

It’s been a brilliant place for ‘me’ time but also to meet fabulous friends. 

The tutors and helpers are amazing and so knowledgeable.  

Unknown Artist


Pen and ink

Markus, Sorrow Misery


Sorrow, Misery

Pen, pencil, marker

What Room for Art means to me:

It allows for creative freedom, a space to be messy and express anything you keep inside onto paper. Spaces like these are crucial for self-expression unhindered by instruction or planning but with support when needed. 



Watercolour and pencil

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is the only place where I get time-out to be myself, surrounded by people who understand how difficult it is to be a carer. 




What Room for Art means to me:

Time for me to be creative – helps me focus. 


Teddy Bears Picnic

Wool, pencil

What Room for Art means to me:

Somewhere to relax and be creative. 



Watercolour paint and marbling

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is my safe haven with friends, while relaxing and doing art. 


It’s a fish eat fish world out there….

Mixed media collage

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is a haven from the world both caring and in general. It is nothing to do with home – it is only for me… 


Heart of Hope

Cardboard box, acrylic paint

What Room for Art means to me:

It is a place of relaxation and inspiration.


Red, yellow, blue and red with green

Paint on paper

What Room for Art means to me:

A place to do my art with paint on paper, being the foundation for “Art in Action”. 




What Room for Art means to me:

The opportunity to express myself and the things that I love with like-minded people. 


Flight from constraints

ink and tissue paper

What Room for Art means to me:

A safe place where I can get inspired and be free to play with material and suspend expectations from my art and leave the picture to become without judgement. 


Some jellyfish just liked to show off

Mixed media collage

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is a haven from the world both caring and in general. It is nothing to do with home – it is only for me…


Unleashing Childhood


What Room for Art means to me:

Escape, expression, communication, self-reflection, joy. 


Psychedelic painting

Acrylic paint

What Room for Art means to me:

Relaxing and enjoyable. 


Firefly Forest Glade

Inks, charcoal, lemon juice, soda crystals

hat Room for Art means to me:

A place to explore different artforms in a supportive environment. A place to meet fellow travellers on life’s long and winding road. A place to have space.  


Psychedelic painting

Acrylic paint

What Room for Art means to me:

Relaxing and enjoyable. 


Psychedelic painting

Acrylic paint

What Room for Art means to me:

Relaxing and enjoyable. 


The lady of the lake

Watercolour pencils / charcoal

What Room for Art means to me:

It’s welcoming and inspiring. 




What Room for Art means to me:

A creative space for me to work on my painting



Shoreline finds and much-loved Penguin books

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is a welcome resting place for me. The door behind is closed and our room is there for me to gently settle with cups of tea and to create and connect alongside others in the group. 


‘Kate’s China Finds’

Shoreline finds and much-loved Penguin books

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is a welcome resting place for me. The door behind is closed and our room is there for me to gently settle with cups of tea and to create and connect alongside others in the group.

John Galloway

46 Discarded Objects

This artwork from the Art in Healthcare Collection was selected for exhibition by a group of participants and volunteers.


Neurological Art

Pens, felt tip pens and colour pencil

What Room for Art means to me:

Meeting other people who enjoy art, making new friendships and achieving goals. 


Some fish are stunningly beautiful but others just have to wear lots of makeup

Mixed media collage

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is a haven from the world both caring and in general. It is nothing to do with home – it is only for me…

Colin Thoms

Abstract Composition

This artwork from the Art in Healthcare Collection was selected for exhibition by a group of participants and volunteers.


Whiskers can make or break the look on a fishface

Mixed media collage

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is a haven from the world both caring and in general. It is nothing to do with home – it is only for me…


Flower Hidden


What Room for Art means to me:

It is my space to create and not think about the problems. 


Two’s company

Recycled David Bailey exhibition posters

What Room for Art means to me:

Originally, I didn’t know what ‘art ‘ I’d make.  

I’ve found collage is what I love making, cutting up posters.  

Thanks for the space and support. 



Bladerunner Lichtenstein

Recycled National Galleries exhibition posters, digital printing

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for art is a lifeline in many ways and making art in a great group gets me out the house every week.  

I’m autistic ADHD semi – prof recluse. I only make this in the art classes.  

Thank you  



Dandelion head

Lino print, indian ink, acrylic

What Room for Art means to me:

Making room for art allows time to pause, to reflect, to play and work through ideas.  

I get a huge sense of wellbeing through making. 



Pen drawing

What Room for Art means to me:

Room for Art is somewhere for myself to relax and be able to draw. 


Beauty in Brokenness

Paper collage

What Room for Art means to me:

Jane Hyslop

Old Road New Road

This artwork from the Art in Healthcare Collection was selected for exhibition by a group of participants and volunteers.



Oil bar, oil pastel, handmade tools

What Room for Art means to me:

It’s a wonderful space for inspiration and connection – I always leave with ideas. 



Lino and ink

What Room for Art means to me:

It’s a sanctuary that has been an enormous help to my mental wellbeing – I always leave feeling better than when I arrived.  


Woman, life, freedom

Paper and paper mâché 

What Room for Art means to me:

A creative mind is a free mind. Oppressed women in Iran dream of freedom. In their dreams, they are free. In their dreams, they can live. 


Pull your own strings!

Cloth and nylon thread

What Room for Art means to me:

It is a pleasure to work with such an amazing group of artists. Their works are an inspiration. 


The Dimming Day (Black Light)

Mixed media

What Room for Art means to me:

Creativity is about process and rehabilitation. Reflecting on our planetary endarkenment.  


Black Light (The Dimming of the Day)

Mixed media

What Room for Art means to me:

Creativity is about process and rehabilitation. Thinking about the dualities present in all things. 

21 August 2023 by

Ursula Bevan Hunter