Art in Healthcare turned thirty in 2021. Having concentrated upon growing our art collection for the last three decades it felt timely to pause and take stock. We are therefore undertaking a detailed condition survey of our collection, allowing us to implement a comprehensive programme of maintenance and conservation during 2023. We are doing this to fulfil our role as custodian of the collection and to ensure that works are in the very best condition when they are displayed in health and social care settings for the public to enjoy.

Art in Healthcare is delighted to be working with Maryanne Millar who is a professional and qualified Paintings Conservator with a Masters in Fine Art Conservation and over 15 years experience in Conservation, Collections Management and Care, gained working both in the UK and abroad and within small to large institutions (such as the National Museums Scotland). Maryanne currently runs her own Conservation business and has just finished the initial Condition Survey of our collection. We are grateful for support from the Turtleton Trust.

28 November 2022 by

Amy Miles